Dream Theater was so good... They rocked the stadium down. Unfortunately (or fortunately), security were everywhere, by every gate. A bunch of malaysians (with flags) started headbanging by the railing. They couldn't have injured anyone but they were all out. And the police came and tried to stop them and everything... It's a rock concert! Anyways, the police just stood around watching over the malaysians like a hawk. As for everyone else, photography of anykind were not allowed. Some people took out their handphones and in the darkness, security can see it. They pop out of nowhere with their torchlights telling you to keep it. And other security start pushing you away telling not to block the path. What path? Anyhow, Dream Theater's performance made up for all the uptightness of the management.
In general, the crowd was pretty tame. Everyone stood up and held the hands up in the air singing along, while a handful (gently) headbanged. There was no moshing or any of the actions you see on MTV. No fights. Nothing. Everyone was just there to watch Dream Theater. After 20 years in the industry, it was a treat. One for the treasure box.