So today I've started wearing my new rock! A yellow sapphire set in a ring I designed. I think it's quite nice and simple and I know what to hand down to my future descendants... Haha... In addition to the 8 carat African amethyst pendant. The colour and the clarity cannot be compared to diamonds.
Goodness, I'm only a student and I speak of such riches... Oh well, for one, the amethyst and the yellow sapphire are my "birth stones" and I only got them for my recent birthday. I believe it brings harmony to the body with the surroundings. It's natural after all... I guess, belief is something people hold on to, to assure themselves that something will be right.
I feel after the long break from blogging, I have yet to get used to writing things spontaneously cos now, my mind is filled with so many things, I don't even know what to write about!
I've been keeping my mind free of issues lately and probably I find myself at peace (more than usual) since I pray more often in this holy month. There were a few periods in my life when I thought I was going to die. There was also a period when I didn't care if I died. Now, I hold on to life so firmly I get stressed if my cab starts tailgating motorcyclists. The last thing I want is for someone to get hurt because of me.
One thing I believe truly is that things happen for a reason. I reckon God has a lot in store for all of us. If life is always fair, would any of us have anything to talk about?
пятница, октября 22, 2004
Автор: Diarna на 03:38
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