среда, апреля 19, 2006

Marilah kita berdansa!

Is "dansa" really "dance" in malay? Haha... I'm not sure. It sounded strange as the voice read aloud the title as I typed. Well, as usual I'm gonna say I have lots of assignment to do but I'm happy cos I managed to squeeze in some reading! I just read The Amber Room and it was quite good. So now I'm really happy and should return to researching as soon as I finish this entry.

It's been raining the past few days so I've indulged in sleeping reading sleeping reading. How perfect. :-P Now I've gotta sleep research sleep research mug mug mug sleep sleep and stare at the pc with MS Word on. Haha... When I sleep, I can s.. l..e..e..p... but when I read, I r...e....a.....d..... so you can imagine when I study, I have so many textbooks plus notes... call me greedy. ~_^ Or is "kiasu" the word?! Haha... Likewise, when I have a sudden inspiration, no matter what time of the day, I can cook for hours! Then I end up cooking enough for 10 portions which will be eaten by only me and if lucky, Fazrul will try to finish everything. I doubt it's because it's not nice but really, no one in this house eats (home-cook).

I tell you, in this busy country, everyone is too used to eating out and eating fast. To sit at home and eat is but an indulgence. Which is why I miss cooking cos I still have yet to cook! Back to the busy-ness. People here love acting busy, looking busy, being busy. It's like when I say, I'm busy, it's like "wah... she's busy..." or "sorry to trouble you". Haha... funny cos I myself have been saying that I'm busy in the past few entries. Y'know, when you say you're busy, it's like this big reason (excuse) not to justify your absence (or MIA in any aspect). You reckon?

To all Singaporeans and busy people alike, when you walk as though you're in a marathon, please remember you're not in one and the people around you aren't your competitors, so don't "tsk" or frown. You inflict upon others that negativity. Smile instead. (If smiling would make you seem scary, then smile with your eyes). I don't care if you can walk faster to overtake me so you can tap your EZlink card at the gantry 8 seconds faster. Really, as fast as you all can walk, you only manage to shave off 10mins max, depending on distance. So please let (whichever mode of public transport) passangers alight before you do and when you do, I hope you're in the queue and not trying to squeeze in! It's so unfair to gracious people like me, squeaking "excuse me" as I wait in line and get pushed to the back or worse, under someone's armpits. Ok, I'm not playing victim but as timid as I am, I try stand my upright posture (thank the genes for broad shoulders) and do my "stare in bewilderment" to such abhorent ungraciousness hoping for some breathing space. Otherwise, I run my hands through my long curly hair and somehow, that scares people off. There's this kampung notion that long curly hair is a hot spot for kutu. Not that anyone mentions it but you can see it in everyone's reaction and no, it does not stink la. For the record, I love my long hair and I want it longer! Look at how I've deviated to condescend the lack of grace in this society!

What I wanted to say though, was, why is everyone always rushing? You rush to gain 5-10mins for what? Why not not rush, and take in the environment. See how the trees lining the pavement is doing. It's the flowering season now, did you notice that? See how the grass is doing. Is it as dry and yellow as it was last month? See how clean the pavement really is. Have we taken cleanliness for granted? See how the people in front of you are rushing. Do you really need to rush? You know, if you're in heels and your pants are getting tighter, the rushing could be pretty unflattering from the back. :-P So walk at a moderate pace for decency (and vanity). You tone your muscles better (especially if you walk long distances). Check out the clouds overhead. Do you see any nimbus (rain) clouds? Seek the silver lining in the sky and let that make your day. There's so much more to life than rushing off to busy-ness, really. Please switch off that TV and read the newspaper with a cuppa instead. Is there too much propaganda in print? How are our neighbours doing? How is our environment coping? What has degenerated? What has improved? ... ... ... Aren't we so lucky? :-) Thank Him.

So please, don't forget to hug the tree and thank it. Just think of a reason to thank it. There's so much to thank it for =)

For those who need a laugh at senseless behaviour ataupun mahu belajar berdansa style yang amatlah cool, click here